Party of Prof. Dixneuf


Prof. Dixneuf’s Party
         Prof. Pierre Dixneuf, from Rennes university, held a successful party in the college of chemistry on 19 Jan 2010. “Dixneuf” means “nighteen” in English, so every year on 19 Jan he offered a party to all the groups in the “Catalysis & Organometallics laboratory” in Rennes. This year, to celebrate 10 years’ cooperation & communication with Chinese peers, Prof. Dixneuf offered us a special French-style party in Peking university and he even brought a number of different types of cheese and wines from France in person. Over 50 people attended this party and they came from different universities including Peking university, Tsinghua university, Renmin university, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, fudan university and so on. Remarkalbly, the scientific attaché at the French embassy, Dr. Isabelle Morelon and her collegues also attend this party.