【组员近况】祝贺 成泽恺 同学成功申请本科生“启研”计划基金
【组员近况】祝贺 赵思诚 同学成功申请本科生“启研”计划基金
【邀请报告】竺立哲 | Automated path searching enables the fine design of selective GPCR agonists and high-fidelity gene-editing tools
【论文接收】祝贺李佳烨同学The ergodicity question when imaging DNA conformation using liquid cell electron microscopy被Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.接收
【学术论坛】显微盛会IMC20: 20th International Microscopy Congress
【组员近况】祝贺 马琳 博士后顺利出站!
【组员近况】欢迎 博雅博士后 刘婧 入站
【邀请报告】刘楠|Graphene as the Support to Boost Biological Cryo-EM Analysis
【邀请报告】Shengfeng Cheng|Drying of Colloidal and Polymer Solutions
【学术论坛】第四届 P2 (PKU×POSTECH) 会议成功举办
【专题报道】ChemComm助你C位出道: 对话伟德国际1946官网王欢研究员
【论文发表】恭喜程斌等的"Deep learning-assisted analysis of single molecule dynamics from liquid-phase electron microscopy"被Chem. Commun.接收!