邮件: p-gao@pku.edu.cn
代表性论文(总共38篇,包括9篇Nature Commu./Mater./Nano, 1篇Science)
- P. Gao*, H.-J. Liu, Y.-L. Huang, Y.-H. Chu, R.Ishikawa, B. Feng, Y. Jiang, N. Shibata, E.-G. Wang, Y. Ikuhara, “Atomic Mechanism of Polarization-Controlled Surface Reconstruction in Ferroelectric Thin Films”.Nature Communications 7, 11318 (2016).
- P. Gao*, L.P. Wang, Y.Y. Zhang, Y. Huang and K.H. Liu, “Atomic-Scale Probing of the Dynamics of Sodium Transport and Intercalation Induced Phase Transformations in MoS2”, ACS nano DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b04950 (2015).
- P. Gao, J. Britson, C. T. Nelson, J. R. Jokisaari, C. Duan, M. Trassin, S-H. Baek, H. Guo, L. Li, Y. Wang, Y.-H. Chu, A. M. Minor, C-B. Eom, R. Ramesh, L-Q. Chen, and X.Q. Pan*, “Ferroelastic domain switching dynamics under electrical and mechanical excitations”, Nature Communications 5:3801 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4801 (2014).
- Y. Yang, P. Gao, L.Z. Li, X. Q. Pan, S. Tappertzhofen, S. H. Choi, R. Waser, I. Valov, W. D. Lu*, “Electrochemical dynamics of nanoscale metallic inclusions in dielectrics”, Nature Communications 5: 4232 doi:10.1038/ncomms5232 (2014).
- P. Gao, J. Britson, J. R. Jokisaari, C. T. Nelson, S.-H. Baek, Y. Wang, C.-B. Eom, L.-Q. Chen and X.Q. Pan*, “Atomic Scale Mechanisms of Ferroelastic Domain Wall Mediated Ferroelectric Switching”, Nature Communications 4:2791 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3791 (2013).
- S. Lee, C. Tarantini, P. Gao, J. Jiang, J. D. Weiss, F. Kametani, C. M. Folkman, Y. Zhang, X. Q. Pan, E. E. Hellstrom, D. C. Larbalestier and C. B. Eom* “Artificially engineered superlattices of pnictide superconductors”, Nature Materials 12, 392-396 (2013).
- P. Gao, C. T. Nelson, J. R. Jokisaari, Y. Zhang, S-H. Baek, C. W. Bark, E-G Wang, Y. M. Liu, J. G. Li, C-B Eom, and X. Q. Pan* “Direct observations of retention failure in ferroelectric memories”. Advanced Materials 24, 1106-1110 (2012).
- Y. Yang, P. Gao, S. Gaba, T. Chang, X. Q. Pan, and W. Lu*, “Observation of Conducting Filament Growth in Nanoscale Resistive Memories”. Nature Communications 3,732 (2012).
- C. T. Nelson, P. Gao, J. R. Jokisaari, K. Zhang, C. Heikes, C. Adamo, A. Melville, B. Winchester, Y. J. Gu, Y. M. Liu, S-H Baek, C. M. Folkman, E-G. Wang, C-B Eom, J. Y. Li, L-Q. Chen, D. G. Schlom, and X. Q. Pan*, “Domain dynamics during ferroelectric switching”. Science 334, 968 (2011).
- P. Gao, C. T. Nelson, J. R. Jokisaari, S-H Baek, C. W Bark, Y. Zhang, E-G. Wang, D. G. Schlom, C-B. Eom, and X. Q. Pan*, “Revealing the role of defects in ferroelectric switching with atomic resolution”. Nature Communications 2, 591 (2011).
- P. Gao, Z. C. Kang, W. Y. Fu, W. L. Wang, X. D. Bai* and E. G. Wang*, “Electrically driven redox process of cerium oxides”. J. Am. Chem. Soc 132, 4197-4201 (2010).